In this context, Pınar Çevikayak Yelmi organizes Soundwalk Workshops to help people realize urban sonic environment and be aware of the importance of the cultural sounds. In the workshops, the concept of Soundscape will be introduced and the relationship between city and sound will be discussed. It is hoped that the participants will perceive the city from a sonic perspective and interpret the urban fabric with an unconventional manner.
There will be 4 different routes to walk in each workshop; Galata, Karaköy, Beyoğlu and Eminönü. The participants will be expected to find out the most characteristic, the most unexpected, the most attractive sounds during their aural experiences in these neighborhoods and they will be asked to record them by means of smart phones or sound recording equipments. These urban sounds will, then, be evaluated at the end of the workshops and their uniqueness will be emphasized.
The Soundwalk Workshops will take place every Saturday in April 2015 between 13:00-15:00, with max. 15 participants. Meeting points will be announced!